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Twisted development with Sublime Text 2

Linting Twisted codebase with Sublime Text 2

Sun 30 October 2011 - Twisted, SublimeText

Been experimenting with Sublime Text 2 recently instead of vim.

I installed SublimeLinter - it's pretty cool! It uses pyflakes and pep8 to verify your Python source formatting:

(when mouse-ed over the unused import)

However, the blank line requirements according to PEP 8 are different from those of the Twisted Coding Standard. So I monkey-patched pep8 (you can just dump the monkey-patching script into the Sublime Text Packages/User directory).

So 3 blank lines between class definitions, and 2 between class method definitions:

(when mouse-ed over the class definition, which does not have enough preceding blank lines)